With judges showing growing displeasure at litigants found in contempt of court, solicitors ought to take particular care in how they record their advice to clients, says Clare Arthurs
John Thornhill, chairman of the Magistrates Association, has denied claims by the Prison Governors Association (PGA) that lay magistrates were caught up in a “feeding frenzy†of disproportionate sentencing in the wake of the riots.
A recent ruling in favour of an injured cyclist should prompt highways authorities to review and amend their systems for inspecting and repairing road surfaces, says Nigel Poole
Julian Boswall and Craig Whelton review the new planning policy framework, the Cala Homes ruling, the localism bill, and time limits for judicial reviews
In the second of their articles on the effect of the Equality Act on housing law, Jim Shepherd and Robert Latham consider the changing scope of reasonable adjustment duties