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Public Law


Poisoned chalice

Poisoned chalice

Extending the 'polluter pays' principle to statutory successors of the original land owner could have dramatic implications for utilities, say Justine Thornton and Martin Edwards
In possession

In possession

Kelvin Rutledge and Genevieve Screeche-Powell report on new Court of Appeal guidance on applications for suspended possession orders
Not so fine

Not so fine

New enforcement powers for the collection of fines threaten individual rights, says Alan Murdie
Blogging: the law

Blogging: the law

Having established that blogging was good for your practice, Justin Patten examines the legal implications
Leave lawyers in

Leave lawyers in

Rehabilitation is good, but it must not be used in sly attempts to save on legal costs, says Tony Goff
Solomon's judgment

Solomon's judgment

The Official Solicitor's costs in representing a patient's best interests can be significant. Claire Bentley and Tracey Lucas review the 'usual order' for contributions
Feeling aggrieved

Feeling aggrieved

Do aggrieved employees have to follow a specific procedure for their claims? Esther Morris reports
Insolvency update

Insolvency update

Legislation updateCross-border co-operationBanker's dutyReceiving ordersDirectors' disqualification