The owners of big property empires, such as the Earl of Cadogan, have been defeated in their bid to block further erosion of their portfolios by head lessees obtaining new leases under the Leasehold Reform, Housing and Urban Development Act 1993.
The Housing Act 1996 was meant to provide a safety net for the homeless but some local authorities are avoiding their responsibilities, say Jim Shepherd and Nik Antoniades
Family lawyers in the South East have expressed little surprise at Ofsted's criticism of Cafcass services in the region but say the findings reflect unfairly on the effort deployed by overstretched teams trying to do their best in a context of chronic understaffing.
A recent appeal court decision should lighten fears by developers that construction stands no chance if there are light obstruction issues, say Tim Foley and Simon Pulley
Benjamin Newton discusses a recent Court of Appeal case that considered whether the defence of doli incapax was still available to defendants aged from 10 to 14 years
The High Court's inherent jurisdiction in cases involving the vulnerable remains a powerful tool to protect those lacking mental capacity, say Yogi Amin and Alex Rook