Law firms are increasingly embracing the internet as a way of accessing a variety of popular legal applications, but what are the benefits – and drawbacks – of this kind of technology, asks Dominic Cullis
Disclaiming a lease is a standard option where tenants become insolvent, but it does not extinguish the rights of third parties such as guarantors or former tenants, warns Julian Sidoli del Ceno
A High Court judge has warned about the “clash of culture†between the police and family courts after a wardship case was halted for 11 months on the basis of intelligence which turned out to be unproven.
Michael Aubrey considers the liability of landlords when their tenants breach waste regulations, and a case involving the National Trust and share-farming agreements
In claims for possession, landlords should consider factors of reasonableness and proportionality to ensure those at risk of losing their homes are treated fairly, says Adam Fullwood
Sedation should only be used to transport an objecting incapacitated person elsewhere when it is the least restrictive way to protect them from foreseeable harm, says Laura Davidson