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How useful are DPAs to 'the defendant?
Solicitors Journal

How useful are DPAs to 'the defendant?

Deferred prosecution agreements can reduce costs and potentially lead to further prosecutions, but for companies they have few advantages over a guilty plea, writes Ben Henriques
Criminalisation of doping in sport
Solicitors Journal

Criminalisation of doping in sport

Dr Gregory Ioannidis considers whether the public interest can justify a coercive response to anti-doping violations in sport
The deep dark web
Solicitors Journal

The deep dark web

To protect client information from data thefts and government surveillance, firms might have to adopt an approach first developed to facilitate illegal activity, writes Ernest Aduwa
How to respond to online banking fraud
Solicitors Journal

How to respond to online banking fraud

Sophia Purkis and Lisa Serrant advise solicitors on the steps clients should take to recover stolen money, particularly where the bank refuses to make a refund