20 Feb 2023Right to a refund: train travel lawSamantha Greer considers railway companies and consumer rights
12 Jan 2023Irwin Mitchell launch private client service in MidlandsThe firm has made several hires to facilitate the move
16 Nov 2022Gifting assets to family and friends: not just for ChristmasAlice Johnson presents some key points when advising your clients on gifting property
15 Nov 2022Clark Willmott issues warning after executor jailedHe was imprisoned after he 'buried his head in the sand'
9 Oct 2022Lawyers for life: James Beatton on managing Cripps This issue, Chaynee Hodgetts interviews Cripps partner and head of corporate, James Beatton
27 Sept 2022Strength in numbers: collective actionGeorgina Hollis and Amar Chauhan consider how to find clients in group litigation
24 Jul 2022Soldiers' legal rights – no change?Hilary Meredith-Beckham considers lack of change to soldiers' rights for the past 35 years