31 Jan 2022Legal implications of the looming NFT boom Sally Mewies looks at how the law affects blockchain assets
31 Jan 2022The power of proactivity in criminal defenceMatthew Claughton looks at the benefits of pre-charge engagement in criminal cases
31 Jan 2022The Pre-Action Protocols: hard pruning!Tony Guise considers the complications of changing Civil Procecure Rules' Pre-Action Protocols
28 Jan 2022Delay in open court apology for council vendetta pub landlord over jurisdiction concernsThe CPRs do not expressly provide for an open court apology in abuse of process cases
27 Jan 2022Report proposes 'users-in-charge' of self-driving cars should not be liable for certain driving offencesUsers-in-charge would be immune from a wide range of offences directly related to driving
26 Jan 2022ONS data reveals significant increase in investment fraudFraud related to government grants has soared