8 Mar 2022Sport: The game of litigationEmily Joss considers the lessons we can learn from two cases in football and rugby that arose during the covid-19 pandemic
8 Mar 2022Networking for junior lawyers: is face-to-face networking a dying art?Jonny Hurst argues more should be done to prepare aspiring lawyers for face-to-face networking
7 Mar 2022Economic Crime Bill: unforeseen challenges and potential loopholesThe Law Society has offered its help to strengthen the bill
7 Mar 2022Is the UK still open for business?Chetal Patel and Matthew James explore the implications of the closure of the UK investor route
6 Mar 2022Reparation litigation: lawsuits seeking reparations for anti-Black harms Dr Angus Nurse examines the effect of equality and diversity in litigation and human rights law
6 Mar 2022The Great Resignation and restrictive covenants Nick Wilcox and Theo Nicou reflect on restrictions in employment contracts
4 Mar 2022Government announces change to available Nightingale Courts30 courts will be extended until March 2023 to tackle the case backlog – however, 22 will close