Zambia: regulatory developments on cyber securityBwalya Chilufya-Musonda looks at how new regulations will impact businesses in Zambia
The cost of neglecting mental healthJo Losty warns 'traditional' firms could lose out on top quality candidates due to concerns over wellbeing
Legal innovation: visionary, realist or just process improvement? Â Jack Shepherd examines different ways of adopting innovation in a firm.
One step beyond: loss of profits and wasted expenditureRowan Turrall evaluates why the Court of Appeal found “loss of profits” exclusion did not exclude liability for wasted expenditure
All change: Hirachand v Hirachand [2021] EWCA Civ 1498Michael Welsh evaluates the effect of Hirachand
Competition law: the correct approach to costs awardsSophie Lawrance and Manon Rattle assess a recent Court of Appeal judgment against Pfizer and Flynn that has significant implications for UK competition law
Challenge housing disrepair claims Ivan Goodsell looks at housing disrepair claims and why they are rising