Long-running farming family inheritance dispute sets new precedentThe Supreme Court has determined the correct approach to framing a remedy
The upsurge of fintech in Latin AmericaSebastián Ferreyra Romea and Ariel Garay consider Latin America's fintech revolution and the impact of new regulations
Domestic abuse: coercive and controlling behaviourAntonia Mee and Peter Burgess summarise Burgess Me';s latest seminar
Access to legal aid widened for domestic abuse victimsLaw Society has suggested any expansion of legal aid for special guardians be non-means tested
SJ interview: Dr Sally Anne HinfeyThis issue, Chaynee Hodgetts interviews Dr Sally Anne Hinfey, vice president and deputy general counsel, legal at Momentive (SurveyMonkey)
Disappearing act: the pitfall of conveniently unavailable evidence Laurence Weeks and Flora Jacobs discuss Vardy v Rooney
Joint divorces: a false dawn or a new frontier?Peter Burgess and Shaili Desai evaluate no-fault divorce