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Human Resources


Why are lawyers so depressed?

Why are lawyers so depressed?

Lawyers' wellbeing statistics are not a good read and scientists are still piecing together the reasons why this should be so, explains Dr Bob Murray
The great training conundrum

The great training conundrum

Solicitors Journal's first CPD survey since the new regime was introduced in November 2016 reveals a profession struggling to come to grips with a far less prescriptive system
Friends in need

Friends in need

Jean-Yves Gilg asks what more can be done to ensure lawyers have the mental health support they need to stay at the top of their game
Why lawyers need to develop soft skills

Why lawyers need to develop soft skills

It started with the Legal Services Act and the financial downturn. Now, with the advent of technology and changing consumer habits, lawyers are finally taking business skills a lot more seriously, says Edward O'Rourke