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Ethics and Compliance


Toeing the regulatory line

Toeing the regulatory line

Emma Walker considers the extent to which the regulator will reach into lawyers' private lives 
Before the storm

Before the storm

The causes of conduct that leads to regulatory action are often more informative than the conduct itself, Susanna Heley explains 
Firm philanthropy

Firm philanthropy

The Ashfords Foundation is a long-term philanthropic commitment requiring partner and employee buy-in, as George Wilkinson and John Toth explain
Going green

Going green

By making small changes in their operations, firms can make a big difference to their carbon footprint. Catherine Baksi reports
Leading by example

Leading by example

If there was ever a time to engage an ethical approach and lead by example, it's now, as Emma Walker explains 
And so to sleep

And so to sleep

Elizabeth Rimmer encourages lawyers to adopt good sleep hygiene to improve their quality of sleep