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Rearranging deckchairs on HMS Prosecution

Rearranging deckchairs on HMS Prosecution

Why is the CPS recruiting corporate lawyers who couldn't find a post after qualification rather than drawing from an experienced pool of defence lawyers, asks Jonathan Black
Rearranging deckchairs on HMS Prosecution

Rearranging deckchairs on HMS Prosecution

Why is the Crown Prosecution Service recruiting corporate lawyers who couldn't find a post after qualification rather than drawing from an experienced pool of defence practitioners, asks Jonathan Black
The value of self-reporting

The value of self-reporting

SFO v XYZ demonstrates that the approval of a deferred prosecution agreement is not merely a rubber-stamping exercise, explain John Bramhall and Jonathan Brogden
Fact or fantasy?

Fact or fantasy?

The case of David Bryant highlights the dangers of uncorroborated victim testimony in historic sex offences, write Rupert Butler and Rachael Earle
A year in the life

A year in the life

Felicity Gerry QC reflects on the trials and tribulations of the past year, including arguing before the Supreme Court for the reversal of the law on joint enterprise
The public and profession deserve better

The public and profession deserve better

From irrational fee arrangements to ill-thought-out consultations on legal services, practitioners may well despair for the future of the criminal justice system, says Mark Fenhalls QC