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Pardon or apology?

Pardon or apology?

Statutory pardons for those convicted of outdated 'gross indecency' laws is a good start, but it does not close the book on the persecution of LGBT people, writes John van der Luit-Drummond
Retrial by media

Retrial by media

How can the public understand Ched Evans' not guilty verdict when lawyers are retrying the defence's case in the press, asks John van der Luit-Drummond
Drinking, gambling, and mistakes in notices

Drinking, gambling, and mistakes in notices

Jeremy Phillips considers the effects of the government's proposals to tackle alcohol-related crime, as well as other recent developments in the world of licensing
The usual suspects?

The usual suspects?

Melissa Colloff, Kimberley Wade, and Deryn Strange consider the implications of a study on how eyewitnesses' decision making is affected when suspects in a lineup have distinctive features