Protection for vulnerable adults is under increased scrutiny but what exactly does 'vulnerable' mean, and do the safeguards go far enough, asks David Hewitt
New HIP regulations, combined with important changes in local authority and personal search charges, are set to make this a seismic spring of change, says Andrew Lloyd
Lesley Davey reviews the European Commission's policy on abuse of dominant position, block exemptions, the application of State aid rules in the context of the economic crisis, and the OFT's new leniency guidance
Paul Stanley considers whether the compulsory retirement age ruling is compatible with UK regulations, the binding force of unpublished rules and the right to indemnity under the Commercial Agents Directive
The ideas behind the SRA's consultation on mandatory re-accreditation for solicitors advocates are under-developed, discriminatory and based on worthless evidence, says Tim Lawson-Cruttenden