The new legislation may improve the image of ?enforcement, but will it achieve the correct balance ?between the rights of creditors and those ?of debtors? Tom Bailey and ?Denise Cushine ?investigate
The introduction of the right to be forgiven could be a major step towards reinforcing the privacy rights of former offenders, but how effective will the new right be if there is no consensus over its scope? asks Richard Easton
The ruling in Chandler has established that a parent company may be liable for breaches of health and 'safety laws by a subsidiary without the need to consider lifting the corporate veil. 'Alan McKenna reviews 'the court's reasoning 'while Robert Weir QC 'and Vijay Ganapathy assess the circumstances 'and extent to which liability may attach as a result
Bitter family disputes can be avoided if practitioners take the time to understand their client's business model and future plans, says Jonathan Silverman