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ADR & Mediation


Out with the old

Out with the old

The legislation on age discrimination sits uncomfortably alongside today's economic troubles, while the legitimacy of forced retirement remains a vexed question for employers and employees alike, says Schona Jolly
Money, toil and trouble

Money, toil and trouble

Funding divorce proceedings is beset with hidden pitfalls not just for the party without personal finance but also for their solicitor, warn Philip Way and Edward Heaton
Still a place for the Bar

Still a place for the Bar

The Legal Services Act heralds a new era in the delivery of legal services but it does not detract from the Bar's importance within the justice system as a whole, says Timothy Dutton QC
Reach across the fence

Reach across the fence

Neighbour disputes are clogging up the courts according to a senior judge and failing to engage in mediation may result in an unwelcome outcome, says Amanda Morris
Time to introduce an employers liability pack

Time to introduce an employers liability pack

An employers liability pack would not only help raise health and safety standards, it would also assist claimants in determining prospects of success, says Victoria Handley
European briefing

European briefing

The new mediation directive is a further example of how the EU's sphere of competence has gradually extended into the classic areas of private law and procedure,says Paul Stanley NO
Gambling in pubs

Gambling in pubs

Though the Gambling Act 2005 is seen as a 'liberal' regime, its Code of Practice imposes a 'tough' level of compliance for gambling in public houses, says Roy Light