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Feeling aggrieved
Solicitors Journal

Feeling aggrieved

Do aggrieved employees have to follow a specific procedure for their claims? Esther Morris reports
Insolvency update
Solicitors Journal

Insolvency update

Legislation updateCross-border co-operationBanker's dutyReceiving ordersDirectors' disqualification
No limits
Solicitors Journal

No limits

The Lords' ruling in Sephton provides welcome clarification of limitation rules in negligence claims, say Nicholas Heaton and Toby Rouse
Death at work
Solicitors Journal

Death at work

Despite reduced fines for health and safety offences, judges are not getting softer on corporate bodies, says Gerard Forlin
Under review
Solicitors Journal

Under review

Unsuccessful bidders should take greater advantage of opportunities offered by judicial review. Nigel Giffin QC and Jason Coppel explain how
Courting publicity
Solicitors Journal

Courting publicity

Government plans to boost confidence in family courts rely on more resources and the questionable premise that the press is interested in ordinary cases, Joanne Edwards and Mark Irving point out