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Update: agriculture
Solicitors Journal

Update: agriculture

Michael Aubrey and Simon Blackburn consider recent cases involving RPA overpayments, possession orders against travellers and the validity of notices to quit
Update: company
Solicitors Journal

Update: company

Simon Graham examines several spectacular frauds which shed light on the responsibilities and liabilities of non-executive directors, auditors and solicitors
A clearer direction
Solicitors Journal

A clearer direction

The DPP's interim guidelines on assisted suicide bring some clarity to this previously unclear area of law, but what does the policy mean in practice, and what might the final guidelines include, asks Nick Cartwright
No pain, no gain
Solicitors Journal

No pain, no gain

While there is a profitable market for the infliction of real pain on television, directors must carefully consider the design of such TV shows to avoid potential criminal liability, say Kate Oldfield and Kai Graf von Pahlen
Taking control
Solicitors Journal

Taking control

The first Supreme Court family judgments demonstrate its ability to deal objectively with complex family cases and provide helpful guidance to practitioners, says DJ Michael Buckley
Survival skills
Solicitors Journal

Survival skills

Mediation can be a tricky course to navigate; so solicitors and their clients must be aware of what can go wrong. Victoria Brackett reports
Older and wiser
Solicitors Journal

Older and wiser

Would-be mothers should be assessed for IVF treatment individually and according to merit – not age, argues Seamus Burns