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Peace process?

Peace process?

Involved in a mediation for the first time? Don't panic – with careful planning and a good mediator, it can be a win-win situation, says Paul Newman
Escape clause

Escape clause

When can the courts refuse an application for a civil jury trial? Tony Davies reports on a Court of Appeal decision which clarifies the correct approach
The life and times of a northern soul

The life and times of a northern soul

In a world where London firms still predominate and where regional firms are beginning to look like they're offshoots of a London business, Cobbetts is making its mark as a truly national firm with a northern heart. Caroline Poynton talks to managing partner, Michael Shaw, about his leadership of the firm, his role in its ongoing expansion and his dreams for the years to come.
Moving on

Moving on

How has the treatment of gypsies and travellers in the UK progressed since the the Human Rights Act 1998 came into force? asks David Watkinson
Ricksons snaps up PI team

Ricksons snaps up PI team

Ricksons Solicitors has acquired a seven-strong personal injury team from the Manchester and Leeds offices of Whittles Solicitors.
News in brief:

News in brief:

Manchester firm Rowlands and Kirk Jackson are in the final stages of merger talks to create a 26-partner practice under the name 'Rowlands incorporating Kirk Jackson Solicitors'. The firm will have six offices and 150 staff of whom 50 wil