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Where credit's due

Where credit's due

Misunderstanding the rules on transferring fee payments from a client account to the firm's account could have disastrous consequences on your practice, says Tony Guise
Conditional discharge: a new order?

Conditional discharge: a new order?

Hospital managers should tread carefully before making a conditional discharge order following the latest Mental Health Act's Code of Practice, says Andrew Parsons
How certain is certain?

How certain is certain?

Making reference to a period of extension in a tenancy agreement can have a less than desirable effect for landlords wishing to contract out, says John Martin
A meeting of minds

A meeting of minds

Consortium working can be done effectively, and it will help the growing number of those ineligible for public funding with access to legal advice, says Russell Conway
Update: corporate tax

Update: corporate tax

David Anderson sheds light on the courts' treatment of VAT claims for pension funds in the light of Claverhouse, including recent debate on the effectiveness of the three-year cap
Update: licensing

Update: licensing

Roy Light discusses recent cases, including challenges to local authority guidance on the gambling and licensing acts, conditions on licenses, and public nuisance
Protecting borrowers... and deposits

Protecting borrowers... and deposits

Lenders must comply with the new pre-action protocol for possession claims, while landlords face sanctions for non-compliance on tenants' deposits, says David Oldham