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'Tis folly

'Tis folly

Solicitors who fail to make adequate enquiries before committing themselves to undertakings or who delay in performing them, run the risk of serious legal and financial consequences, says Ryan Clement
Cracking down on disruption

Cracking down on disruption

Premises closure orders are a powerful new weapon for local authorities in the battle against anti-social behaviour, say Kelvin Rutledge and Kuljit Bhogal
Preparing for any contingency

Preparing for any contingency

Contingency fees have the potential to deliver proportionate costs, access to justice and new business opportunities, says Fraser Whitehead


When faced with tenants who cannot pay at a time when rents are set to fall, it may be wiser currently for commercial landlords to reach an agreement with the tenant rather than seek possession, says Richard Hayes
Coming up trumps

Coming up trumps

Fraud litigation is a changing landscape that will keep many lawyers busy analysing business processes and negotiating with the authorities, says Andrew Mitchell QC
Update: personal tax and trusts

Update: personal tax and trusts

David Bird considers recent cases on business property tax relief, shares as consideration for a loan and residence issues, and the changes to HMRC interest rates
Fiduciary duties on trial

Fiduciary duties on trial

While trustees are being encouraged to review and diversify investments, they must adhere to their duty to seek professional advice, says David Crozier
Trustee Training

Trustee Training

Trustees need to receive adequate training with regards the new set of responsibilities placed on them, or risk finding themselves out of their depth, says Richard Weaver