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Trivial pursuit

Trivial pursuit

With wider protection available to whistleblowers, employees' concerns about environmental damage should not be disregarded as too trivial, says Daniel Tivadar
Treat me right

Treat me right

Treating clients fairly will become increasingly relevant to the legal profession and firms should start preparing early, says Ben Hardiman
The new age of innocence

The new age of innocence

Sean Hodgson's case has huge implications for the use of DNA evidence in proving innocence, and those who believe DNA analysis could help them in an appeal against conviction should take action, says Julian Young
Out of tune

Out of tune

It has been a rich month for satirists. But when we have all done laughing at chaps so down on their luck they only have one moat to clean (which is very nearly as shaming as having to buy your own furniture) and when our snorts of glee about gigantic plasma tellies, bath plugs and doggie food die away, what will we be left with? The shipwreck of democracy, that's what.
Update: professional negligence

Update: professional negligence

Spike Charlwood and Alice Nash review cases on rectification and contribution, as well as decisions involving share purchase agreements, communication problems and an abuse of process
Out in the open?

Out in the open?

DJ Julie Exton considers how the opening of the family courts to the media is likely to work in practice and wonders whether this will achieve the government's aim to create greater transparency
Wales: changing pace

Wales: changing pace

For Welsh firms, the recession has been an opportunity to review their strategies, with many looking to expand to survive the downturn. Jean-Yves Gilg reports
Update: health and safety

Update: health and safety

Zahra Nanji considers the implications of the first charge under the Corporate Manslaughter Act 2007 on health and safety prosecutions, and warns employers that the courts put a high duty on them to protect their employees from risk of injury