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Hot property

Hot property

The ruling in Orams will not just affect property owners in northern Cyprus; it could have ramifications for buyers in other European countries with unsettled legal systems. Jenny Ramage reports
Piggy in the middle

Piggy in the middle

The Employment Appeal Tribunal has clarified that 'piggyback' claims can be brought but it has left many questions unanswered, says Cheryl Edmonds
Ethos and ethnicity

Ethos and ethnicity

The ruling on the definition of Jewishness is likely to have consequences for the broader education system beyond schools' admissions policy, says Barbara Hewson
Demob happy

Demob happy

As she neared retirement, my Mum once told me that she “lurched from holiday to holiday”. A band called Hard-Fi sings about 'Living for the weekend'. And to throw another cliché into the mix, there are those who would argue that people with such philosophies are wishing their lives away. So, how to strike the balance correctly?
“Purdy amendment” likely to be delayed

“Purdy amendment” likely to be delayed

The proposed “Purdy amendment” to the Coroners and Justice Bill, which would legalise assisted dying in the UK, is unlikely to become law before Parliament adjourns for the summer recess.