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Planning for change

Planning for change

Neil Collar discusses the recent changes to the Scottish planning system
Clamping down

Clamping down

John Kruse considers whether rescuing distrained goods from a bailiff is theft, and how the forthcoming implementation of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act will introduce clearer guidelines for all parties
More than words

More than words

The Criminal Justice Act has been incorrectly worded and those eligible for compensation following wrongful imprisonment are being denied their rights, says Richard Emery
Won't get fooled again?

Won't get fooled again?

HMRC's new scheme to encourage taxpayers to declare offshore income may sound very similar to the last one, but the risks are higher this time around and it is best to come forward now, says Noshir J Avari
Public benefit challenge 'difficult', lawyers say

Public benefit challenge 'difficult', lawyers say

The Independent Schools Council, the body representing fee-paying schools, would face difficulties in bringing proceedings against the Charity Commission over its application of the 'public benefit' test, lawyers have said.
Update: IT/IP

Update: IT/IP

Susan Singleton discusses the current consultation on the new block exemptions, the revised policy on import of counterfeit goods, the eBay illegal products judgment, anonymous bloggers, and higher fines for copyright infringement