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Come together

Come together

Kate Fleming provides practical insights into getting the most out of client meetings
Power to the landlords

Power to the landlords

Company Voluntary Arrangements have come under the spotlight following a High Court ruling, says Julian Cridge
Update: family law

Update: family law

Liz Dronfield and Sophie Barrett discuss the latest in family law including residential assessment, guardianship, immigration and the Australian experience of ancillary relief
Sparking the claim flame

Sparking the claim flame

Peter Jennings considers whether solicitors can be liable for defamatory correspondence written on their clients' behalf
Friend or foe?

Friend or foe?

The Children and Adoption Act 2006 has the potential to be a ground-breaking piece of legislation, says Pamela Collis
Blameless... but liable

Blameless... but liable

Damage is being done to basic legal principles and logic in the quest for 'justice', say David Liebeck and Alan Langleben