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Update: consumer

Update: consumer

Mark Lucas examines the new consumer White Paper, the OFT's latest moves against Foxtons, and the recently proposed Personal Responsibility Bill
Update: immigration

Update: immigration

Jane Coker reviews recent cases dealing with the factors to be considered when deciding whether to deport an individual
Taking a gamble

Taking a gamble

The decision to uphold national legislation restricting internet gambling to a national monopoly is not consistent with the ideals of a single market, says Paul Stanley NO
Leading the way

Leading the way

Firms should embrace the LDP model and recognise the benefits of bringing in non-lawyer professionals with the right skills and knowledge to manage a business, says Viv Williams
Picture perfect

Picture perfect

The Coroners and Justice Bill shows awareness of changing technology and will clarify the law on illegal images of children, says Maureen Johnson
Well disposed

Well disposed

Charities looking to sell land must comply with several statutory obligations before entering into a contract, says Jane Lonergan
South West: ready for the next challenge

South West: ready for the next challenge

Fresh recruitment drives and further investment in technology are sure signs that South West firms are ready to come out of the downturn and tackle the Clementi reforms. Jean-Yves Gilg reports
Family business

Family business

Greater cooperation between the parties to family proceedings is required to give full effect to the latest interim guidance and reduce delays, says DJ Michael Buckley