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Latest Legal News


Battle green
Solicitors Journal

Battle green

The House of Lords has reversed the Court of Appeal ruling in the Oxfordshire CC v Oxford City Council village green case. Charles Mynors discusses the implications
Cost control
Solicitors Journal

Cost control

Cost orders against third parties are becoming more widely available, as Daniel Kidd explains
Update: landlord and tenant - part 1
Solicitors Journal

Update: landlord and tenant - part 1

In the first of two articles, Norman Joss and Nick Grundy discuss leases and licences, secure tenancies, housing and human rights and rent review
Living together
Solicitors Journal

Living together

Cohabitation: Joanne Edwards sets out the arguments for and against reform, following the Law Commission's recent paper
Civil litigation brief
Solicitors Journal

Civil litigation brief

Gordon Exall looks at the House of Lords decision in Horton v Sadler and considers its practical implications
Cash for children
Solicitors Journal

Cash for children

As the proportion of children born of unmarried parents rises, Tony Roe explores how their financial interests can be protected
Ice range
Solicitors Journal

Ice range

Worldwide freezing orders: Linsey Macdonald reports on the new guidance
Be prepared
Solicitors Journal

Be prepared

Law firms need to get into training to tackle the changes facing the profession. Andrew Towler reports