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Latest Legal News


Planning gains

Planning gains

Michael Gallimore highlights how the government's proposed Planning Gain Supplement will impact on land development
Rutherford saga

Rutherford saga

The Lords' decision in Rutherford brings welcome clarification of the concepts behind sex discrimination laws, says Sue Ashtiany
VAT: post-M&S legislation open to challenge

VAT: post-M&S legislation open to challenge

Marks & Spencer (M&S) should be entitled to claim group relief on the losses sustained by its subsidiaries in Germany and Belgium, the High Court ruled this week, as the government is already taking steps to minimise the impact of the EU ruling in the case.
Trend tracker: Taming e-mail

Trend tracker: Taming e-mail

The next generation of intelligent e-mail management systems has some nifty new tricks up its sleeve that go beyond compliance and corporate governance. By Gary Eastwood.
Intext links test

Intext links test

This is a story with company names in it so that we can show intext links.
Five minutes with... Janet Day, IT director, Berwin Leighton Paisner

Five minutes with... Janet Day, IT director, Berwin Leighton Paisner

Firms that have invested heavily in technology solutions are now looking at how they can better integrate and use their systems to improve efficiencies and business throughput. With this in mind, Caroline Poynton talks to Berwin Leighton Paisner's (BLP) IT director Janet Day about her firm's approach to business-process management.
Dare to be different: Gaining the competitive edge on a behavioural level

Dare to be different: Gaining the competitive edge on a behavioural level

In a profession where technical expertise is a given, how can a law firm really differentiate its services in a competitive market? Andrew Powell, director of marketing at CMS Cameron McKenna, argues that it's about delivering and interacting with clients through the consistent application of behaviours and principles throughout the organisation.