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Latest Legal News


Fair payment

Fair payment

Toby Boutle and James Pavey consider how landlords in possession claims can avoid the pitfalls of the fixed costs regime
Access to justice

Access to justice

The 'compensation culture' is a myth perpetuated by Parliament and we are all paying for it, says Michael Tennant
Companies and insolvency update

Companies and insolvency update

Simon Graham considers the most recent instalment of the Companies Act 2006, while David Archer reviews the latest cases on insolvency
Power hungry

Power hungry

The Greenpeace decision on public consultations poses a challenge to the government, say Justine Thornton and Martin Edwards
That sinking feeling

That sinking feeling

Commercial tenants need to take care with sinking and reserve fund provisions, explains John Martin
Double agent

Double agent

Commercial agency litigation is likely to change following the decision in Crane. Stephen Sidkin reports
Learning curve

Learning curve

The Education and Inspections Act 2006 is the 10th Act in as many years to bring changes to an area in constant flux. Oliver Hyams considers its practical implications
Horsing around

Horsing around

Further guidance is required to clarify awkward wording in the Animals Act 1971, says Katherine Deal