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Latest Legal News


The claims e-revolution

The claims e-revolution

The use of technology in court is now so easy and inexpensive that some judges even disallow court fees, says Edwina Millward
Once punished, but twice served?

Once punished, but twice served?

The ruling in Hemmings addressed the issue of time spent on remand where it is equivalent to maximum custodial sentence but it has left many questions unanswered, says Philip Rule
Work equipment is under control

Work equipment is under control

Spencer-Franks has redefined the employer liability boundaries, but the area of claims for injuries caused by work equipment remains open, says Jamie Clarke
Reach across the fence

Reach across the fence

Neighbour disputes are clogging up the courts according to a senior judge and failing to engage in mediation may result in an unwelcome outcome, says Amanda Morris
The floodgates stay shut

The floodgates stay shut

Limitation rules in historical abuse cases have fundamentally changed after Hoare, but it does not make it easier to bring claims, says Peter Garsden
Regeneration and rehabilitation

Regeneration and rehabilitation

In the spirit of joined-up thinking I have been doing some thinking that I think may join up, at least I think so.
Update: planning and environmental law

Update: planning and environmental law

Gregory Jones examines recent developments including time scales for filing evidence, core strategy challenges and strategic environmental assessments