Firms are still seeing a healthy stream of travel and holiday claims, but recent cases and new legislation of have created further uncertainty. Jenny Ramage reports
Landlords and tenants feeling the pressure in the economic downturn are more likely to appeal against rent review arbitration awards but the courts have set high hurdles to such challenges, warns Stephen Bickford-Smith
The possibility for aggrieved customers to bring harassment claims against large corporations should encourage companies to take responsibility for their actions and stop sending threatening automated correspondence says Tom Collins
The new tribunals system is intended to put appellants and respondents on an equal footing but its formality could be more intimidating for all, says Keith Wilding
Janet Armstrong-Fox and Lara Nyman review recent cases relating to the definition of service charge, restrictive covenants, interference with view and time limitation on charging orders
Solicitors who fail to make adequate enquiries before committing themselves to undertakings or who delay in performing them, run the risk of serious legal and financial consequences, says Ryan Clement
Premises closure orders are a powerful new weapon for local authorities in the battle against anti-social behaviour, say Kelvin Rutledge and Kuljit Bhogal