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Latest Legal News


Photo opportunity

Photo opportunity

Demonstrating is a lawful activity, but if the police are allowed to take and retain photographs, are those involved not being treated as criminals, asks Paul Harris
Life in the slow lane

Life in the slow lane

We are the instant generation. We want it all and we want it now. Please.
Hanging around

Hanging around

Often it is necessary to try to de-mystify the court process as much as possible. Often one of the things that worries a client most is where they stand, what they should say to the judge and what they should wear. So, particularly with young or vulnerable defendants, I often go through the whole trial process from arraignment to verdict and what happens if the verdict is guilty. This also helps them ask the question that they don't always want to hear answered: will I go to prison if I am convicted?
Update: planning

Update: planning

Gregory Jones and Thomas Cross discuss inappropriate development in the green belt, environmental impact assessments, disclosure of officers' reports and service of evidence, and sum up the salient points of the Planning Act 2008
In good health?

In good health?

With healthcare being one of the fastest-moving sectors around, what are law firms doing to keep up, asks Jenny Ramage
A vulnerable point

A vulnerable point

Protection for vulnerable adults is under increased scrutiny but what exactly does 'vulnerable' mean, and do the safeguards go far enough, asks David Hewitt
The lines are drawn, but where?

The lines are drawn, but where?

Should juries have the right to decide what is criminal, rather than whether the defendant committed an offence, asks Tan Ikram
New season, new HIPs

New season, new HIPs

New HIP regulations, combined with important changes in local authority and personal search charges, are set to make this a seismic spring of change, says Andrew Lloyd