Thames Valley firms continue to enjoy prosperous growth and despite the proximity with London, intend to stay regional in their approach to business, says Jean-Yves Gilg
Originally from Legal Marketing magazine vol 2 Issue 5: The thinking behind the website redesign programme utilising bold use of colour and theming, while communicating and representing numerous rebrand adjectives, at UK firm Finers Stephens Innocent.
The judgment in Anderson demonstrates the courts' willingness to take a robust approach to the entry of unilateral notices without reasonable cause, says Jonathan Steinert and Abigail Cohen
Mediation can help bring about a negotiated settlement, but successful resolution often depends on the type of scheme and the skill of the mediator, says David Shapiro
Patients detained under the Mental Health Act 1983 as well as their doctors should be able to rely on the new principles in the Mental Capacity Act 2005, says Laura Davidson
For divorcing couples, extracting enough equity from the matrimonial home to fund two new lifestyles is just one of several challenging exercises, says Michelle McDermott