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Latest Legal News


Banged up

Banged up

Jail term inflation and death by dangerous driving: Robert Dalling tells a cautionary tale
Just (not) married

Just (not) married

A Rolling Stone, Moss and a gathering: Tony Roe asks, does this add up to a foreign marriage?
Update: agriculture

Update: agriculture

William Barr looks at inheritance tax and agricultural property relief after Antrobus 2, and McKenna
Cindy Barnett

Cindy Barnett

The Magistrates Association chairman shares her thoughts on a more efficient criminal justice system and community sentencing
Update: personal injury

Update: personal injury

Jock Mackenzie and Meera Maharaj review the most significant personal injury and clinical negligence cases from the past six months
Apocalypse now

Apocalypse now

The next few years will see an unprecedented shake-up of the legal market. There will be winners and losers. In this new series, different specialists from the Legal Practice Group examine what it will take to survive and thrive in the increasingly competitive post-Clementi, post-Carter world. In this first article, Simon Slater explains why many firms will find that mergers and acquisitiosn provide the best way forward