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Latest Legal News


A brave new world?

A brave new world?

Peter Ashdown-Barr and Chris Lodge examine the benefits of a leaner, ADR-based claims process for personal injury compensation
Safer roads

Safer roads

Tougher driving tests for young drivers are a step in the right direction, but more needs to be done to curb uninsured drivers. Roger Henderson explains
Fair example

Fair example

The compensation system needs to be streamlined. But fairness for victims must be paramount, says Richard Langton
Update: tax

Update: tax

Richard Bunker looks at the Chancellor's latest budget changes to taxes, holiday property and pensions
SJ interview: Des Hudson

SJ interview: Des Hudson

The Legal Services Commission's “sign or starve” approach will backfire and the fight will go on, says Law Society Chief Executive Des Hudson
European briefing

European briefing

Paul Stanley considers the consequences new cases on gambling, competition in the air travel sector, capitalisation rules, and the 50 years of the Treaty of Rome
Renting protection

Renting protection

James Driscoll outlines the new tenancy deposit schemes for assured shorthold tenancies and how they could affect landlords and tenants
The end of RPI?

The end of RPI?

Stephen Ashcroft looks at the new way to judge price value in personal injury cases