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Latest Legal News


What's in store?

What's in store?

Solicitors should ensure they fulfil their duty to oversee the preservation of electronically stored information, or risk facing a negligence claim, says John Okonkwo
The key to succession

The key to succession

Companies should have a clear plan in place when recruiting board members, says Susan Thomas
Over but not out

Over but not out

Edward Heaton explains the rights of adoptive, unmarried and step-parents when a relationship breaks down
Update: media

Update: media

Rod Dadak considers the latest cases on the publication of defamatory statements, media access to family courts and a blogger's right to privacy
Driven to distraction

Driven to distraction

I love books. I can never pass a second-hand bookshop without emerging with an armful of them. I am the darling of mail order book companies. There are stacks of them in every corner and crevice in our house, but there is never enough time to read them all. Nonetheless, for three years of my life all that changed and I was able to rattle off the plots of books written by authors I had heard of, whose books I had thumbed on bookshelves and even bought – but which had remained unread.
Planning for change

Planning for change

Neil Collar discusses the recent changes to the Scottish planning system
Clamping down

Clamping down

John Kruse considers whether rescuing distrained goods from a bailiff is theft, and how the forthcoming implementation of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act will introduce clearer guidelines for all parties