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Latest Legal News


Who wins at forfeits?

Who wins at forfeits?

The seller in a property transaction should no longer expect that rescission on the buyer's part will automatically lead to a windfall forfeiture of the initial deposit from the defaulting party, explains Nitej Davda
Civil litigation brief

Civil litigation brief

Gordon Exall says the Court of Appeal's latest ruling in relation to Part 36 offers will remove a lot of the current uncertainties
Business leads

Business leads

The ability to generate and convert leads into business is a skill that modern firms must master, says Yuri Rapoport
Local authorities caught between two Acts

Local authorities caught between two Acts

The recent decision in M means that local authorities will have to consider their obligations under the Children Act 1989 more carefully in cases involving the housing needs of older teenagers, say Clive Lewis and Joanne Clement
Update: road traffic

Update: road traffic

Jonathan Black reviews the latest cases on drink-driving offences and speeding
Be cautious on costs

Be cautious on costs

Solicitors should exercise greater caution when preparing early costs estimates for clients, says Sarah Conroy as the High Court has recently retreated from its earlier position
Solicitors conduct under the claims management

Solicitors conduct under the claims management

In his series on the new claims management regulations Gordon Exall considers their effect on business expenses and the guidance given by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority