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Latest Legal News


Update: pensions

Update: pensions

Alan Fowler reviews the introduction of the new minimum age at which benefits can be drawn from registered pensions, new duties for the information commissioner under the Data Protection Act and the NEST scheme
Manifest differences

Manifest differences

How do the 'law and order' policies of the main parties compare? Lucy Corrin examines the manifestos
Cutting class

Cutting class

With education forming a key plank of the manifestos of all three main political parties, and cuts in funding likely whoever wins the election, lawyers should brace themselves for a further raft of reform. Stephen Hart and Andrea Squires report
The right price?

The right price?

Costs in low-value cases involving children are unnecessarily complicated and have led to battles between claimants and defendants, says David Ellis
Not so simple

Not so simple

Lasting Powers of Attorney were simplified to make them less confusing to lay people, but the process is still over complicated with pitfalls for the unwary, says Reshma Field
Pretty vacant

Pretty vacant

With so many commercial properties lying empty because of the economic downturn, landlords should take advantage of the new, less formal 'meanwhile' leases, which are designed for short-term lettings, says Michael Fahy
Logging out

Logging out

The increasing popularity of online networking sites raises important issues about what happens to an individual's digital legacy after their death, says Nicola Plant
Mother of all battles

Mother of all battles

Two recent decisions show that the courts are increasingly prepared to transfer residence to the father where mothers repeatedly block contact arrangements. Miranda Fisher and Ayla Dogruyol report