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Latest Legal News


New balls, please

New balls, please

The recent newspaper victory in a libel action brought by a tennis player has demonstrated the need for judges to take a stand against inappropriate defamation claims, says Rod Dadak
Update: fraud

Update: fraud

David McCluskey rounds up developments in bribery and corruption, defence costs orders in fraud cases, video link evidence, changes to the CPR and money laundering
Poker face

Poker face

One of the most memorable moments of the election campaign was 'bigot-gate', when Gordon Brown was caught on microphone making less than complimentary remarks about Mrs Duffy. Possibly even more damaging was his reaction when he realised he'd been caught out and the tape of his comments was played back to him.
Kicking out the kick-backs

Kicking out the kick-backs

The Bribery Act was rushed through in the final days of the last Parliament. Now, solicitors should act equally quickly to ensure clients have adequate procedures to protect themselves from prosecution, says Nick Burkill
Update: professional negligence

Update: professional negligence

Victoria Brackett and Katie Papworth consider recent decisions on expert witness immunity, summary judgment in professional indemnity cases, termination of a retainer and the latest on limitation
Update: tax and trusts

Update: tax and trusts

David Bird reviews the latest developments in tax and estate planning, including negligible value claims for CGT, inheritance taxand agricultural property relief
As the dust settles

As the dust settles

Thousands of British travellers were left out of pocket by the chaos caused by the volcanic ash cloud. Craig Moore reviews the legal framework relating to financial and other redress