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Latest Legal News


Alice in e-disclosure land

Alice in e-disclosure land

Lawyers have no choice but to become fully conversant with e-disclosure issues: judges expect them to, says Juliette Levy
Fresh vision

Fresh vision

The regional Bar cannot continue with the current model – it must be prepared to evolve over the next decade if it is to thrive, says Robin Tolson QC
Clunk, no click

Clunk, no click

Despite regular invitations to change the law, the courts have repeated that failure to wear a seatbelt will, on its own, rarely be regarded as so exceptional as to justify a deduction in damages. Linda Jacobs reports
Moving on

Moving on

Recent research into the way the courts handle relocation disputes and the impact on the families involved further supports a review of the current approach, says Timothy Scott QC
Cut out and sell

Cut out and sell

Increased competition for criminal work may be no bad thing in itself, but the latest LSC proposals risk treating clients as commodities, says Christopher Kinch QC