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Latest Legal News


Update: local government

Update: local government

Chaos at the polls, coalition in the Commons and council charges in the courts – it's been a busy couple of months for local government, say Caraline Johnson and Claire Booth
Measure for measure

Measure for measure

The Insolvency Amendment Rules 2010 bring in a range of measures designed to modernise insolvency legislation. DJ Andrew Saffman outlines the main changes
Laying foundations

Laying foundations

As Jersey's fledgling foundations system beds down, Alan Binnington asks what assets are in store for the lazy trustee and the power-hungry settlor
The final countdown

The final countdown

A lavish legal aid awards ceremony spelled the last hurrah for hopes of fresh state help. But if the coalition can't help, who can? Ailsa Dixon reports
Cutting a fine line

Cutting a fine line

The Court of Appeal's latest approach to solicitors' duties highlights the need for practitioners to exercise caution when advising clients, say Laura Taylor and Peter Maguire
Out of touch

Out of touch

Libel reform should not be a high priority for Parliament – the proposals in the new Defamation Bill are unnecessary and are likely to lead to unfairness and uncertainty, says Rod Dadak
No easy answers

No easy answers

Will technological solutions and outsourcing help or hinder legal aid practices, asks Russell Conway