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Latest Legal News


Shifting gears

Shifting gears

The large amount of financial litigation that is likely to arise out of the recession will take a different form from previous litigation, creating new challenges for practitioners, say John McGhee QC and Alec McCluskey
Strength in numbers

Strength in numbers

The South East Circuit is an influential representative body whose reputation and success is down to effective delegation, close connections and collaborative problem solving. Jenny Ramage reports
Within reason

Within reason

In claims for possession, landlords should consider factors of reasonableness and proportionality to ensure those at risk of losing their homes are treated fairly, says Adam Fullwood
Direct line

Direct line

The jurisdiction of the English courts to deal with claims involving English tourists injured in EU member states has been firmly established, but practitioners must ensure a direct claim against the insurer is possible, says Alejandra Hormaeche
Last resort

Last resort

Sedation should only be used to transport an objecting incapacitated person elsewhere when it is the least restrictive way to protect them from foreseeable harm, says Laura Davidson
Raising the Bar

Raising the Bar

The proposals for best value tendering will have a huge impact on the Bar – particularly on its most junior members, say Adrian Farrow and Richard Littler
Chop and change

Chop and change

Cuts in public funding and changes in regulation will present new challenges and opportunities for barristers, says Desmond Browne QC
Business opportunity

Business opportunity

Many victims of cartels mistakenly believe that private enforcement claims only benefit consumers, but they also provide businesses with the opportunity to recover their losses in a cost-effective way, say Ingrid Gubbay and Anthony Maton