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Latest Legal News


Update: housing

Update: housing

Giles Peaker reflects on what the new government means for the Tenants Services Authority, the private rental sector and assured shorthold tenancies, the continuing uncertainty over tenancy deposit schemes, and the public law defence
Update: family

Update: family

Lynne Passmore considers the outlook for unmarried couples after Kernott, post-separation income, arrears under a maintenance pending suit order and whether a clean break is possible when a family business is involved
Caution to the wind

Caution to the wind

A caution may sound like a friendly warning, but in reality accepting one amounts to an admission of guilt and can have unintended consequences, says David Rhodes
The game's up

The game's up

Ambush marketing strategies in high-profile sports tournaments are becoming more creative, but there are several remedies available to event sponsors, says Sarah Williams