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Latest Legal News


The game changer

The game changer

Ken Clarke's plans for penal reform represent a positive step away from dead end policy, writes Andrew Neilson
Genial justice

Genial justice

New brooms indeed: Kenneth Clarke has given us all plenty to think about. We live in strange times when the old bang 'em up Tories are thinking creatively and having photo-shoots on A Wing with some of the inmates, while the numbers locked up in the Labour years has rocketed from where it was when the Conservatives were last in power.
Update: children

Update: children

Noel Arnold looks at developments in special guardianship and which way the pendulum of leave to remove precedent is currently swinging
Update: costs

Update: costs

Naming the wrong defendant on your CFA agreement can be a costly business, writes Simon Gibbs
Sound advice

Sound advice

As the dust of Levicom settles, it is just a case of keep calm and carry on, say Georgina Squire and Juliet Schalker
Crime of the century

Crime of the century

Trying to cut the prison population while simultaneously starving it of legal representation is a short cut to catastrophe, writes Matthew Evans
Border control

Border control

Two gay asylum seekers have won a Supreme Court battle against the government's 'go home and hide' policy. But does the court's stance really make Britain a 'safehaven'? Deirdre Sheahan doesn't think so
South East: dip or lift?

South East: dip or lift?

Even for firms specialising in tailored or niche services the dreaded double-dip is striking fear, but there is optimism too, says Jean-Yves Gilg