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Unwritten rules

Unwritten rules

At a recent marketing event with London insurers, a male colleague of mine was lambasted for wearing brown shoes with his suit as there should be “no brown in town”, a phrase with which I was unfamiliar. Various other city worker fashion wrongs were then discussed, including the wearing of shirts with pockets or button-down collars and sporting any sort of designer stubble. I hadn't appreciated that the rules of appearance for men were so very complex.
Mummery slams feuding neighbours - again

Mummery slams feuding neighbours - again

A judge had been right to regard a fence as a boundary rather than a nearby brook, even though, unlike the brook, it was not marked on the plan attached to the conveyance, the Court of Appeal has ruled in the latest court battle between feuding neighbours.
Update: road traffic

Update: road traffic

Stuart Andrews reviews several recent cases revealing the challenging and unpredictable nature of contributory negligence