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Latest Legal News


Mutual wills trump deathbed wishes, High Court finds

Mutual wills trump deathbed wishes, High Court finds

A hairdresser who became the sole beneficiary of an elderly woman's estate at the eleventh hour is expected to have to repay more than £300,000 because of a “remarkable” error in drafting the original will, the High Court has ruled.
Not another wine bar

Not another wine bar

The government's so-called 'consultation' over proposed court closures borders on the scandalous, says Philip Henson
Update: intellectual property

Update: intellectual property

Susan Singleton considers ongoing developments in smell-alike cases, internet marketing, malicious falsehood and pharma dominance
Update: education

Update: education

Anita Chopra and Salima Mawji consider the Academies Act, special educational needs, pupils assaulting teachers, appeals against admission decisions, exclusions and students unhappy with decisions of the Office of the Independent Adjudicator
Learning the hard way

Learning the hard way

Since its creation, the Supreme Court has been successful in educating the public and improving media relations, but one year on it faces several challenges – not least impending budget cuts which could threaten its educative role, says Tom Cross