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Open all hours

Open all hours

At just one year old, the Supreme Court is facing potentially massive cuts – so can it still justify its role as public educator? Lord Phillips explains to Jean-Yves Gilg why it should
Going round the houses

Going round the houses

Now in-house legal privilege has been removed, what should practitioners do to avoid breaking the new rules? Gavin Foggo and Deepak Arora report
Heads will roll

Heads will roll

It was September. All the old lags were there, full of stories of their summer exploits – how they had fallen out of apple trees or been chased by an enraged bull, or had theirpigtails pulled or had dangerously kissed a boy behind a haystack.
Gurkhas lose pensions challenge

Gurkhas lose pensions challenge

The British Gurkha Welfare Society has failed in its second bid to boost the pensions of Gurkhas who retired before the brigade was based in the UK.
ABS kick-off

ABS kick-off

Stuart Bushell launches our new ABS advent calendar