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Latest Legal News


New blood

New blood

The legal press has been awash recently with stories about admissions to the profession: Kaplan Law School is looking to introduce an admissions test for the Legal Practice Course (LPC); BPP is seeking to open three new law schools in Cambridge, Liverpool and Newcastle; and the College of Law has refused to refund fees to students who never commenced their courses. In themselves, these stories might cause a stir and provoke debate about the commercialism of legal education or open market competition. But together they suggest something more serious.
SRA appoints external complaints handling body

SRA appoints external complaints handling body

The Independent Complaint Resolution Service, the body set up to hear complaints against the Land Registry, has been appointed by the Solicitors Regulation Authority as its external complaint handling service.
Consumer brands launch Tesco law prototype

Consumer brands launch Tesco law prototype

Two of the high street's most well-known consumer brands have officially set up prototype alternative business structures to offer legal services direct to the public, Solicitors Journal can reveal.
Leading family lawyer loses high-profile client

Leading family lawyer loses high-profile client

Ayesha Vardag, the family lawyer who acted for German heiress Katrin Radmacher before being replaced by Farrer & Co this summer, has lost a second high-profile client, Solicitors Journal has learned.
Institute not liable for abuse of boys

Institute not liable for abuse of boys

The Institute of Brothers of the Christian Schools, also known as the De La Salle Institute, was not vicariously liable for the abuse of boys at a school in Yorkshire, appeal judges have ruled.