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Latest Legal News


Tried and tested

Tried and tested

Experts are likely to be used more regularly in health and safety cases, but the quality of so-called 'consultants' must be thoroughly tested to ensure the right expert is selected, says Andrew Jackson
Brain wave

Brain wave

Integrating brain injury experts into the legal team and encouraging them to openly discuss their ideas will improve the chances of a successful outcome, says Sue Jarvis
Lost cause

Lost cause

Jennette Newman discusses the difficulties raised by the law of causation in chronic pain cases, and the case management strategies defendant solicitors can use to minimise problems
Update: road traffic

Update: road traffic

Robert Sproston and Anjali Krishnan discuss the effects of the recent bad weather, the new RTA claims process, proposed changes to road traffic legislation, contributory negligence, cases involving minors and using a mobile while driving
Shaky foundations

Shaky foundations

The ECJ's latest ruling on the direct application of directives is both unorthodox and unclear, creating confusion as to when and how EC law can become directly effective, says Paul Stanley NO
Safe as houses

Safe as houses

The first High Court ruling on tenancy deposit schemes provides welcome clarification of the obligations on landlords, says Julian Sidoli del Ceno
The right route

The right route

Mediation has a high success rate and saves time and money, so why is it so often overlooked by local authorities? Gerard Khoshnaw reports
By the book

By the book

There has been welcome convergence in the mortgage lending industry, but isn't it time for a rebalancing of the lender-conveyancer relationship, asks Jonathan Smithers