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Latest Legal News


The lawyers are revolting!

The lawyers are revolting!

Will solicitors and barristers join forces in industrial action after Gove protects advocacy fees from cuts?
Growing pains

Growing pains

Choosing the best business growth strategy is a risky and uncertain process, but standing still will always have the same inevitable outcome, advises Geraint Jones
Who's eligible?

Who's eligible?

What does the Care Act actually mean for the eligibility of state care, ask Matthew Barnett and Emily Grosvenor-Taylor
What makes an activity a sport?

What makes an activity a sport?

Is Bridge a sport or not? Sport England and the Charity Commission have completely contradicted each other on the debate, but the courts will soon have their say
Trumped by a promise

Trumped by a promise

Freedom of testamentary disposition will mean very little if a testator has already made a promise to give away the lion's share of their estate