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Latest Legal News


Standing proud

Standing proud

It is reassuring to know the Bar will, even without a clear mandate, stand shoulder to shoulder alongside their solicitor colleagues
Early inheritance

Early inheritance

More and more people are choosing to make lifetime gifts to their families and loved ones, but have the gifts been fully thought through?
Changes to confiscation law: part two

Changes to confiscation law: part two

David Winch discusses amendments to confiscation law made by recent legislation, including changes to restraint orders and the new power to make compliance orders
Contending probate

Contending probate

You might think that contesting the validity of a 'homemade' will which overrides a previous will and leaves the entire estate to a new and unknown beneficiary would be successful - you would be wrong
Same rules apply

Same rules apply

The test for mental capacity for making a lifetime transaction can be just as high as that required for when drafting a will, warns Margaret Windram